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About the IGSA

The Indigenous Graduate Students’ Association (IGSA) is a collective of diverse Indigenous-identifying graduate students at the University of Alberta (U of A). We became a registered graduate student group at the U of A in 2018 and have since been successful in obtaining funding and gaining dedicated space on North Campus.


Some of our recent accomplishments include installing Indigenous graduate student representatives on the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) Council and the Council on Student Affairs; developing a consultancy relationship with Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS) in their AGES-I award administration; and bringing a SAGE pod to the U of A, in cooperation with Indigenous Faculty at the U of A, GSA, Vice-Provost (Indigenous Programming & Research), and FGPS.

We welcome and encourage all Indigenous graduate students attending the U of A to build community with us and work towards common goals, including:

  • Advocacy for Indigenous and racialized students

  • Dissemination of communications that are relevant to Indigenous graduate students (such as job and event notices)

  • Organization of cultural and networking activities for Indigenous graduate students

  • Mentorship of Indigenous youth interested in university and/or graduate studies

  • Indigenization and decolonization of ourselves and the academy

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